Weddings are back! Kinda… and right now it is a tentative move back towards the industry working in a steady and functioning manner. For me it was more than six months away from any wedding work. And not like it’s going to be super busy, far from it. Weddings will be far and few between for the coming period as couples’ plans have been thrown in chaos. I often wonder if the government realise or even care about what the industry brings to this country. But perhaps that’s another story.
Anyway, my first wedding back and I was giddy with excitement on the journey toward West Cork and to Liss Ard House. And I did wonder if I’d be a bit rusty. Of course, over thinking these things is natural enough. Once I got out my cameras I got right back into a groove. And while things were certainly different, it was still normal enough to get a rhythm going as the day flowed and progressed.
If there was one aspect that was important to me, it was to try and make sure that none of the yellow and black signage form part of my imagery. To make sure that the day was not identified by this bloody virus. I see so many pictures from weddings and it’s all based upon the virus. Guidelines, rules seem to fill these pictures. The “new normal”. Or abnormal, more like.

Weddings are in a way an escape. The day is about excitement. It is about fun, some nervousness pre wedding, but in general there must be an air of excitement. Seeing an image where there’s a sign that says “keep two meters social distance” or whatever has nothing to do with a wedding day. And yet many are making this stuff a part of the day? Pictures of the newly wedded couple wearing masks is gross.
I prefer to center my work around the two people getting married.
No couple will say “Oh, make sure to capture all the covid stuff too…”
No, it’s about the celebration. I applaud couples who have decided to go ahead with their weddings despite the chaos. It’s up to people like me to make sure they get a set of pictures that sums up the celebrations of the day.
And with my first one back it was great to get away from it all, get back into the swing of documenting weddings in my own unique reportage style, and while at the same time still having that in the back of your mind. But not defining the day with it. And anyway enough of that. Weddings are back! Kinda…